I have a question regarding the “AnyKinPointSurface”. This measure computes the closest distance between a point and a surface. The closest distance involves that the point must passes through the normal of the surface.
Thus, if I apply a general muscle to a “AnyKinPointSurface” measure, does the force estimated in the general muscle will follow the path of the closest distance and will be normal to the surface ? If not, do you know some way to create general muscles which act normal to ellipsoid ?
I made some tests and I think that the force effectively points normal to the surface. Here is how I proved it:
Plotting the force curves of the general muscle while first using a sphere, followed by using an ellipsoid. The two forces will be different. the force caused by the sphere will follow a perfect cosinus function, while that caused by the ellipsoid will be distorted.
The excentricity of the force normal to the ellipsoid will cause additional moments of forces around the centre of rotation. These moments are null while using a sphere.
Plotting the forces on the screen after having computing the equivalent force vector with the “AnyForceMomentMeasure2”. This clearly shows that the force is always normal to the surface.