Asking RF muscle and Bi-articular Muscle

Dear Colleague in Anybody

I have two questions here regarding modeling lower extremity, I use Anybody version 5.0 and AMMRV 3.1 :

As in many literatures said that RF muscle, anatomically is very close to Vastus muscles (RF is just below the vastus muscle), a special calculation need to be performed to get the muscle activity of RF by calculating the absolute value of (VM-RF).

As now I am studying muscle activity using Anybody modeling during walking, does Anybody software calculate muscle activity of RF by using the method written above or it calculates in normal way just like when it calculates muscle activity on other muscles on lower limb?

can anybody from Anybody share about this topic?

my 2nd question is about bi-articular muscle in lower limb, does Anybody also consider this kind of muscles, if yes, can you tell me which any.file that defines that fact? especially in gait lower extremity model.

Thanks for sharing

Kind regards
Adhi D Wibawa
University of Groningen

Hi Adhi,

Here are some answers,

In AMS all muscle are activated independently by default. It is possible to link muscle activations together in the study if this is desired, but this is not default.

When a muscle is defined the origin and inseration point is defined, depending on their position the muscle will span one or several joints. So there is no need to specify for the muscle that it is biarticular the system automatically handles this, it comes out of where it is attached.

Best regards
