Change FullModel to UpperModel

Hi ,

Attached please find a modified version of your model.

Now you can run the ‘MotionAndParameterOptimizationModel’ process with two arms.

But there are some problems in the inverse dynamics mode.
I think you should solve them.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I check your attached file.
I think hand’s marker wrong.

I will do re-experiment.
What do I change markers position?

I beg your kindness.


I’m sorry but we can’t suggest anything for your experiment.

Please look for the marker definitions of AMMR’s GaitFullBody(AMMR V1.5 or before) or MocapModel(AMMR V1.6 or later) again then you can get hints.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I want to know correct maker position.
But,I don’t have AMMRV1.6.
I want this.Where is it?

I beg your kindness.


If you can download and install the latest AMMR V6.X version,
then you can find the newest AMMR V1.6 in the installation folder of AnyBody.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I want to install the latest AMMR V6.X version,
but, I can’t find download page.Where is this?

I beg your kindness.

go to, sign in and proceed to the customer download section.

Thank you, aalmunajjed.

I was able to download.

I want to run inversedynamics.
But I receive this error message

WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed : 361 independent constraints and 371 unknowns
- attemps to continue (attempt no. 1)
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed : 361 independent constraints and 371 unknowns
- attemps to continue (attempt no. 2)
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed : 361 independent constraints and 371 unknowns
- attemps to continue (attempt no. 3)
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed : 361 independent constraints and 371 unknowns
- attemps to continue (attempt no. 4)
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed : 361 independent constraints and 371 unknowns
- attemps to continue (attempt no. 5)
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody4.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy : Model is kinematically indeterminate : Position analysis failed


ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…n/GaitFullBody5.main.any : MotionOptimization.Kinematics : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 80

I can run MotionAndParameterOptimizationsequence.
What’s the cause?