I tried using the TKA-KneeBendDemo script as an outline and then I tried to replace its STL parts with my STL parts. When I replaced the femoral component it converted the STL file fine but then when it tried to evaluate the model it came up with an unknown error “ERROR(SYS1)”. I was wondering if you guys could please provide me with some suggestions on what could possibly be the problem since the only thing I changed was the STL file.
I think my problem might be converting my STL file to an Anysurf3 file because when I look at the size of the new anysurf file it is only 1 KB. Any suggestions on how to improve conversions from the STL file to an anysurf file?
If the STL was saved as binary try to change this to be text or the other way around, there is a small chance this will solve the problem.
If this does not help we would very like to see the stl file, if you do not want to post it here, you may send it to support@anybodytech.com if possible, this would allow us to try it out.