How to calculate the moment of a single muscle to a joint

I want to study the moment of a single muscle to a joint. For example, the rectus femoris, how to calculate the moment of the rectus femoris to the knee joint during the gait. Can this be found in the Anybody chart, and if not, how do I calculate it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


It is a good question please see this wiki link for an answer

Best regards

Hi Søren
I saw the link you shared with me. And according to the content of the link, I made some attempts in MocapExamples LowerExtremity.main. I want to measure the moment of the rectus femoris to the knee joint.But when I changed the knee joint to the hip joint, I did the inverse dynamic analysis and got the same moment value. Can you tell me where the problem is? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Please see this post

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