Linear spring between mechanism and human


My model which is modified by your staff was connected with human : ankle joint, knee joint.

ankle joint was connected using AnyKinEqSimpleDriver, offset is 0.07 (z-axis).

I wish to remove z-axis constraint between kneejoint and link mechanism.

I try to modify but constraint error was occured.

please check my file and give some tips

thank you.


I tried to remove the lateral (z-direction) constraint at the knee joint.
But instead I tried to add the lateral constraint at ankle joint.

For the realistic implementation of this mechanism, you should provide more information to us regarding:

  1. How can the pelvis segment be supported from the ground?
  2. How can the thigh and the shank segments be connected to this exoskeleton?
    Where is the connection point? And how many contact points does it have?
  3. Where does this exoskeleton have its own actuators?
    Is this a kind of active or passive exoskeleton?

Without specifying these kind of information,
you may not be able to get enough advice from this forum.

Best regards,