In that case the problem is most likely due to the study section of the model having a different structure in version 4.0 that I am using. The easiest way for you is to create a new main file in your system, compare the study of that one with the model I have sent and replace the different elements.
I strongly recommend that you upgrade to version 4.0.
Hi Wongsakorn,
The file is good. The small difference bettween the 3rd and 5th order in the original curves is because the 5th order fits better the curve.
As for the TypeA you made by cutting the first part of the curve, tou should only compare the part that you kept. The rest of the polynomial curve can be whatever as long as it fits the part you kept. Please see the power point attached, you will see that the part between the lines fits.
In original type 3th, 5th order are different in Y axis (3th max force is 2.4e3 N, 5th max force is 1.8e3 N).
Why are different ?
I look file that you sent me. In order 3 type A shape of curve of you are different my curve (in power point page 5)
Why are different ? or Did I do something wrong ?
The explanation is the same as for the type A in some way, i mean that you should only focused on the part of the anybody curve that coresponds to the piece of curve you have on the excel document, because the polynomial cuve only fit this part. In this document there are no value further than the point “0.03m/965N”. So all values after this point on anybody (on the polynomial curve) are not to be taken into account.
It is actually the same curve, you did nothing wrong. I just made a zoom on the curve to see better the part that we are interested on. If not it appears almost flat because of the very high value of the first part of the curve.