I am not really sure what causes this, could you provide more details on how you created this error.
[li]Which AMS version are you using?[/li][li]Did you save and load the workspace using the same version?[/li][li]Which type of windows did you have open when you saved the workspace?[/li][li]Please upload the model if possible[/li][/ol]Best regards
change force plate setting in ‘ForcePlateType2AutoDetection.any’
Do Parameter optimization by changing #define MotionAndParameterOptimizationModel 1 #define InverseDynamicModel 0
Do inverse dynamic analysis by changing #define MotionAndParameterOptimizationModel 0 #define InverseDynamicModel 1
Check result from ‘Anychart2D/3D’
Close ‘Model view’ and ‘Anychart2D/3D’ windows
Save workspace from file menu
close AMS
Open the workspace
12 Run ‘Reply’
13 Then I’ve got a message as following
Loading Settings Script from : 'C:\Users\SK\AppData\Local\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.5.x.x\Settings.anyst
Settings Loaded
------------------------------------------------ Loading Workspace Script from : 'C:\Users\SK\AppData\Roaming\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.5.x.x\AMMRV1.4\Application\Examples\GaitFullBody_XB09\WS_XB09.anyws ------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------ Workspace loaded -------------------------------------------------------------------
Loading Main : “C:\Users\SK\AppData\Roaming\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.5.x.x\AMMRV1.4\Application\Examples\GaitFullBody_XB09\GaitFullBody.main.any”
Constructing model tree…
Linking identifiers…
Evaluating constants…
Configuring model…
Evaluating model…
Loaded successfully.
Elapsed Time : 8.509000
ERROR(OBJ.OperationReplay1) : C:/U…s/SK/A…a/R…g/A…y/A…x/A…4/A…n/E…s/G…9/GaitFullBody.main.any : InverseDynamicStudy.Replay : Replaying data failed in time step 0. Data is not ready.
thus I have to run inverse dynamic analysis whenever I need to check some results.
Saving the workspace will save the layout of the windows not the result. The results can be saved in another way, but not very many users seems to be aware of it please see here: