Inverse Analysis

Good morning, during the inverse dynamic analysis, I'm getting the following error:

I've been looking around the forum for similar situations, I've been making some changes to the ground reaction forces and the muscle recruitment criteria, but still the error continues.

Best regards,
Catarina Rocha

Hi Catarina,

It looks like your model is in contact with the ground at the feet, knees and the hands but only contact with the feet is simulated. If this is the case, you will need to add some contact model between the ground and the knees and the ground and the hand. Otherwise, it is not possible for the solver find a solution.

There are different ways in which you can add this to your model. For example, you could adapt the code for GRF prediction, or you can look at Seated Human Model in the AMMR.

Best regards,

Good afternoon, thank you very much for your explanation, I'll take a look at the tutorial you suggested.

Best regards,
Catarina Rocha