What if I can not get my quesion aswered on Anyscript.org?
The Anyscript.org forum is meant to be a place where more general issues in respect to using the AnyBody Modeling System™ and the AnyBody Managed Model Repository™ can be asked and hopefully solved. It is not the only way to get support. You could also consider one of the other options mentioned under “Ways to get support from AnyBody Technology”
How do I see my AnyBody license number?
Unfortunately, you cannot see this in all cases. If you provide us with the information you have under “Help menu” and “About” we can help you out. If in doubt contact us at sales@anybodytech.com.
How do I know which version of AnyBody I am using?
You go to “Help menu” and under “About” you can see the version number.
When do my maintenance expire?
When you open the AnyBody Modeling System™ you will get the information in the Output window
What if we have an NDA with AnyBody Technology?
We can not stress this enough. Please do not post questions that might be in conflict with a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Several of our customers will have a NDA. If that is the case for your company, then do not post questions on the forum that might violate this. If you do, we cannot qurantee that answers to these might not end up being public.
Therefore please use a direct communication with AnyBody Technology and potentially opt in for one of the other support options mentions below.
Ways to get support from AnyBody Technology
The Anyscript.org forum is only one way to get help with using the AnyBody Modeling System™ and the AnyBody Managed Model Repository™. Please also consider these options:
• User training – for getting you up speed on how to work most efficiently with AMS
• Vouchers (10/20/40 hours) – for ad-hoc support/consultancy on the specific project/task you are using AMS for
• Consultancy project – AnyBody Technology can step in as part of your project and do a smaller or bigger part of it depending on your needs and preferences.
The forum is not a free eduction portal
Don’t be afraid to ask questions on the forum. There are no “stupid questions”.
There might although be questions, that is due to the need for more education/training which we can not handle on the forum. Therefore, in some case, we might propose that you participate in specific user training/- education
I cannot post on the forum?
The forum is open for all to read the posts on the forum. To be able to post yourself means that you will have to use a version of the AnyBody Modeling System™ that is on active maintenance (currently not strictly enforced).
If you are on active maintenance, but still cannot post, it might well be because the forum software does not require that you use easy identifiable information when you sign-up. Unfortunately this means that it is not straight forward for us to link all users on the forum to a license. In these cases we need your help to inform us about the organization (license owner) you are working for and the license number.
Please contact us at sales@anybodytech.com and we will update your profile accordingly.
Please let yourself be know on the forum
The way the forum is setup so it is possible to be anonymous. While that might be the preferred option for some users, it do make it a lot easier for us to support you, when we know you by name and also what organization/company you are working for. So we encourage you to provide this information in your posts.
Which version of AnyBody Modeling System™ is supported?
In general we support users on the forum that are using the current version and one minor release back. This means that if the current version is 7.4.x we support back to 7.3.x. However there might be changes/bug fixes that means we will recommend an upgrade to a newer version before supporting you further.
For even older version we will always recommend that you update to the newest version before providing further support. We can guide you on this.
This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion
Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.
These are not hard and fast rules, merely guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a clean and well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.
- Improve the discussion
- Be agreeable, even when you disagree
- Your participation counts
- If you see a problem, flag it
- Always be civil
- Keep it tidy
- Post only your own stuff
Terms of Service
Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks. We have a Terms of Service describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our TOS.