I have a two dimensional matrix that have 6 rows and 4000 columns. The data type of the matrix is AnyFloat. Let's assume the name is Data[6][4000]. I need to copy the content of the first three rows of Data into another matrix.
I am trying to find the easiest way to achieve the above. Couple of ideas that I have are the following:
-- Use some function already in-build in AnyBody. Is there such a function? Please let me know.
-- Dynamically allocate a 2D array (say Data2) that have 3 rows and 4000 columns. Then write a nested ''for'' loop to copy the content from Data to Data2. Since AnyBody is ``C-like'', I thought of this idea. But in the function list, I could not easily find a function that can be used to dynamically allocate a matrix. Please let me know how to implement this idea.
Thank you very much for your help.
With regards,