Hello everyone
I had a few questions. Firstly when modelling gait we are meant to produce an initial “guess” in the trialsetup folder for the initial position if our model fails. Is this guess completly random or is there a process in finding the best guess. Secondly, is it possible to model gait with a THR? I have seen your AMMRV 1.5 which has a THR with somone doing a squat, would it be possible to use some of the code from this and import it into the gaitlowerextremity?
I have attached what I have done so far to this. I get an error called
[SIZE=1]ERROR(OBJ4)[/SIZE] : [SIZE=1]D:/M…s/A…s/A…1/A…1/A…n/E…s/G…y/Implants.any[/SIZE] : [SIZE=1]FemImplantNode[/SIZE] : Wrong owner class for [SIZE=1]AnyRefNode[/SIZE]. Accepted owner(s): AnyRefFrame or derived
Not sure what to do. Can anyone help please