A model standing on one leg

Dear anybody
I want to build a model of standing on one leg with the other leg lifted up. Would you like to know whether this posture can achieve standing balance in the software? And how do you disassociate the other leg from the ground so that you can stand on one leg?

Hi @ccran

Yes, you can readily adjust the human model to stand on one leg.
You can adjust the joint angles for the leg not in contact so that it is lifted off the ground.
This is set in the Mannequin.any file.
I suggest that you start from a Standing model template.

Best regards,

Hello, @Bjorn
thank you very much for your reply. I modified the hip flexion Angle from StandingModel. Figure 1 shows the posture after modifying the joint Angle, and the posture in Figure 2 (similar to walking) was generated after kinematic analysis. I don't know how to modify the parameters so that the raised leg can detangle from the ground, thank you!Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,

Figure 1. The target pose
Figure 2. Pose after kinematic analysis

Hi @ccran

I am very sorry for the slow reply!.

There is probably a driver bringing the foot to the ground when you run the simulation.
The driver should drive the foot to the load position instead.

Best regards,

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