Hi there:
i modified the seated model by removing the legrest and footrest ,and defined two target points , then i modified the foot drivers in the Joints and Drivers .any file , connected the foot with the target nodes. but when i run it ,the foot’s posture are quite inversed ! so i was wonder about this .i wish yur help ,thank you!
the attach file are the foot postures before and after load ,and the program.
Hi Amir :
I have updated my profile 。 The AMS version i used is 4.0. and i have solved the above problem . But a new question occured 。When i ran the initialconditions ,it succed 。but failured when i ran the InversDynamics ,it showed that Muscle recruitment solver : solver aborted due to singular KKT matrix ,and ERROR(OBJ.MCH.MUS4) : ‘ObjectName’ : Muscle recruitment solver : ‘additional message’ 。
so i have no idea how can i solve it 。
attach files are my whole program ,thanks for your help!