About foot posture

Hi there:
i modified the seated model by removing the legrest and footrest ,and defined two target points , then i modified the foot drivers in the Joints and Drivers .any file , connected the foot with the target nodes. but when i run it ,the foot’s posture are quite inversed ! so i was wonder about this .i wish yur help ,thank you!

the attach file are the foot postures before and after load ,and the program.

please update your profile in order to use the professional forum.

Hi Amir :
I have updated my profile 。 The AMS version i used is 4.0. and i have solved the above problem . But a new question occured 。When i ran the initialconditions ,it succed 。but failured when i ran the InversDynamics ,it showed that Muscle recruitment solver : solver aborted due to singular KKT matrix ,and ERROR(OBJ.MCH.MUS4) : ‘ObjectName’ : Muscle recruitment solver : ‘additional message’ 。
so i have no idea how can i solve it 。
attach files are my whole program ,thanks for your help!


Please make a zip file and upload here please.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki
You can see the zip file in the attach file 。The AMS version i used is 4.0。
thank you!

Best regards,

Dear Hmg,

I’m sorry to say but we are not running the AMS version 4.x and the AMMR version 1.0 currently.

The versions which we can support are the AMS 5.3.X version and later.

I would like to kindly ask you to consider the upgrade of your AMS version to its latest.

Best regards and thanks for your understanding,