About Memory Allocation Error

In Inverse dynamics,
I would like to define about external forces on 1500 nodes
and then I added codes as below in FreePostureMove model.

AnyFolder Force_1 = {

AnySeg &Trunk =Main.Model.HumanModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.PelvisSeg;

AnySeg ReactionNodes = {
AnyRefNode node = {
AnyDrawNode drw={ScaleXYZ={0.015,0.015,0.015}; RGB={1,0,0};};

AnyKinLinear Lin={
AnySeg &ref1=.Trunk;
AnySeg &ref2=.ReactionNodes;

AnyKinRotational Rot={
AnySeg &ref1=.Trunk;
AnySeg &ref2=.ReactionNodes;

AnyKinEqInterPolDriver LinDriver = { // move node linearly
Type = PiecewiseLinear ;
FileName = “Marker/Marker_lin/marker_1.txt”;
AnyKinMeasure &ref = .Lin;

AnyKinEqInterPolDriver RotDriver = { // move node rotationaly
Type = PiecewiseLinear ;
FileName = “Marker/Marker_rot/marker_1.txt”;
AnyKinMeasure &ref = .Rot;

AnyReacForce Force_1={
AnyKinLinear Lin={
AnySeg &ref1=…Trunk;
AnySeg &ref2=…ReactionNodes;
Ref=0; // local system
AnyKinRotational Rot={
AnySeg &ref1=…Trunk;
AnySeg &ref2=…ReactionNodes;
Type=RotAxesAngles; // local system
AnyForce3D Force_1 ={ // apply force
AnyFunInterpol load ={
FileName = “Marker/force/marker_force_1.txt”;
AnySeg &ref=.ReactionNodes;
F= load(t); // F is global direction, Flocal is local direction

Actually, I added this code for 1500 nodes.
So, when I loaded files, I got the error below.

ERROR(SYS1) : Memory Allocation Error - Model is likely too large or has too many timesteps : Unknown error

  1. How should I deal with this Error?
    I think this error is caused by lack of PC-memory…

  2. Is it possible to increase the amount of memory available for the calculation?If possible, please tell me how to increase the memory.

I use AMMRV1.4.1 repository and AnyBody 5.1.0,
and my PC is Windows7(64bit) and 16GByte-memory.

Many thanks,

Dear Takahiro,

The error seems to me more like your text files of the forces are too large. How many lines or force values do they have? Could you do some simple tests to isolate the error possibilities:

  • will the model load if you use only 1 node with the external force?
  • will the model load with shorter text files?

Dear Al-Munajjed

Thanks for your reply.

My text files has about 45 lines(=time steps) per 1 external-force,
and about 680 external-force are defined in my model.

Average Value of external-force is about 1.0[N] on each axis (X,Y,Z).

Next, I checked simple tests.
I loaded model when I use only 1 node with the external force.
So, loading and calculation of Inverse Dynamics is successful.
But, In loading with shorter text files(= shorter time steps),
I got error.

If you have the method to deal with this problem,
Please tell me.

Many thanks,

Dear Takahiro,

If you include the code listed 1500 times, it will create a very large dynamic equilibrium system of equations to be solved, since each of them will create a new segment, this is most likely why you get the error. This model is in size quivalent to running something like 25-50 fullbody models simultaneously.

So i would test if the model runs with say 50 of these extra segs…

If it would be possible for you to apply the force in just a new node without creating the segment it would solve the problem i think…

Best regards

Dear Søren

Thanks for your quick-reply.

I understood why I get the error.

So, I will think again how to input the external-force
without creating more segment.

Best regards