I am currently using the GRFPrediction model to analyze a c3d data only containing gait motion via markers (no force plates used)
But I also recieved pressure insole data in a .txt file and want to use the total force (in Z axis: vertical) because the patients are walking with crutches and without any force input the joint reaction forces I want to look at arent measured correctly.
How can I include the data in thhis format?
You can import a text file using AnyInputFile. However, I would suggest you use AnyFunInterpol to import text file and generate an interpolation function. Then you can use the interpolation function to apply force. Please see the reference manual and the associated demo example.
One thing that you would need to consider is the point of application of the force with respect to the foot. I expect the center of pressure to move around during the gait cycle, so you would need to somehow ensure that this information is also included in the analysis.