Adding own c3d file to MoCap (lower extremity model)

can anyone please help me with some questions below about using a MoCap model with my own c3d file:
1.I have attached a c3d file,can anyone please tell me what all changes i have to make in MoCap model (lower extremity model) to use this c3d file ?
2.How can i add this c3d file to MoCap model without getting any errors ?


If you want to get some advice about your files or models, then please upload them on the debug section:

I simply had a look at your C3D file.
You can use our MoCap model but it will be better if your C3D file can contain more markers on the foot segments.

By the way, could you please update your profile more ?
And could you please tell us which version of AMS and AMMR you are using?
Then we can check who you are in order to support you better.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki, thanks for your reply , i have uploaded the c3d file to debug section and have updated my profile :slight_smile: