Hi Marzieh,
I received your private message, and prefer answer to you here ; maybe could it help other people
My first question for you is : which version of anybody are you using ?? I developed function for the version 5.x but did not try for v.6.
1)I use !AnyBodyCon.exe & to run AnyBodyCon via matlab.It opens Dos window but when I type :load"demo.outputfile.any". it generates error .this .any file is in the same directory with AnyBodyCon.exe.
It's pretty hard to know the reason of the problem for me... Maybe Anybody developer would be more prone to help you about that ; my advices to help you solving it would be :
1/ what is exactly this file ?
2/ where did you find it ?
3/ did you compare it with the one that you can dowmload from the tutorial section ?
4/ Have you set the path as explained in the tutorial ?
Secondly ;i need to import a Macro to AnyBodyCon.exe.Each time ,Matlab should changes the name of c3d file in the macro and then import it in to anybodycon.exe
For that I would create in a first time as many macro as your c3d files with other c3d name in each macro. After creating all the macro I would launch the analysis and change the macro name to take into account another c3d file.
2)How the macro file can be manipulated by matlab since matlab can only read and write txt,csv,xls file
I'm not sure to understand your question : is it about the way to write the *.anymacro file or to read it ? If for writting : no problem : *.anymacro is as a *.txt file but only the extension change. If for reading : you don't deal with it in matlab but in the anybodycon.exe.
3)how matlab can import editted macro file in to AnyBodyCon.exe?
Something like that :
CommandDos = sprintf('"C:/Program Files (x86)/AnyBody Technology/AnyBody.5.3/Anybodycon.exe" /m %s', File{nStudy}.Macro );
I can share my matlab function to help you creating macro, creating inputfiles to take into account several input parameters, launching cmd and anybodycon.exe and storing results files. Just send me your e-mail via private message