Anybody tutorial--Making Models using SOLIDWORKS

Hi!I am new to this program and currently studying given anybody tutorial. In tutorial 14 “Making Models using SOLIDWORKS”,i downloaded the final version of the model file [‘FitnessMachine\_With\’] and loaded the main file ,fouded that the human model was not in the right place ,as shown in the picture,the toe of human was clearly in but not on the paddle of fitness machine,and also the study could not be run ,showing ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : FitnessMachine_With_Human.main.any(53) : Study.InitialConditions : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0 : Position analysis is not completed.
Could u please help me solve this ?Thanks a lot!


Sorry about the problem, which version of the AMMR are you using in connection with the model?

I have downloaded the tutorial zip from the online version of the tutorial at AnyBody Tutorials! — AnyBody Tutorials v7.4.0 ( and tested on the latest AMMR versions and did not see the same issue?

Best regards

Thanks for your reply!
My AMMR version is 2.4.2,is it the latest version?Or which version do you use?
Best regards


Sorry about this problem, it turns out that it was an issue which we had already fixed but accidentally not released.

Please download the zip file from the online version of the tutorial again and the problem should have been resolved .

Thanks for making us aware of this issue.

Best regards

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