AnyOutputFile: header problem

I use the AnyOutputFile function for lot of time now, but recently get some problem with it, especially the header.

I set the function to get, in the header, constant values written in my AnyOutputFile function only. In clear, in my old files, I get a header that look like the following:

---- AnyBody Output File ---------------------------------
Study: Main.Study
Operation: Main.Study.InverseDynamics
Constants (Name = Value): 
Main.Study.FileOut.FileName = "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\\Dropbox\\70. Anybody\\2-Resultats\\Results\\PD07-v6.x\\V6 - 2014-03-07 - Rupture Subscapularis_QuadAux.txt"
Main.Study.FileOut.NumberFormat.Digits = 6
[u][i][b]and all other constants starting by "Main.Study.FileOut."[/b][/i][/u]
Variables (Column# Name): 
col0  Main.Study.t
col1  Main.Study.FileOut.rot
[u][i][b]and all other variables starting by "Main.Study.FileOut."[/b][/i][/u]

This ensured having an acceptable header in terms of length.

However, my current headers include all constants and variables (i.e. all values children of “Study”). I’m pretty sure I did not change my code…

I tried to fix it with the AnySwitchVar dedicated to the header:

Header = {
      ColumnNamesOnOff = Off ;     
      TitleSectionOnOff = Off;
      ConstSectionOnOff = Off;
      VarSectionOnOff = Off;

But it does not solve my problem since, if I set them as “Off” as shown here I can’t have any header!

Would you have any suggestion to return to my old headers, i.e. write only constants and variables children of the “Main.Study.FileOut.” ?!

Thank you for your help

Nothing changed recently in the Output function. If you have a link to the full study in there it might take all constants in the header.

Can you post your full code to check?

Since when did you experience those changes?