Dear AnyBody Support,
I am trying to attach some small segments protruding from several
vertebrae in the standing model example. In order to do this, I am
defining an AnyRefNode at the center of each vertebra, to which I will
attach the new segments.
I would like to make these nodes (and the corresponding joints) in a
new file, because I don’t want to have to go back and erase them from
the SegmentsLumbar.any file once I am done. I am being told “Wrong
owner class for ‘AnyRefNode’.” I realize that I need to have these
new nodes defined as a part of the original vertebral segments (ie.
L1Seg, etc.), but is there any way to do this in a separate .any file?
Here is the code that I am trying to add (it is referencing the given
SegmentsLumbar.any file of the standing model):
//Defines new nodes at the center of mass of each vertebra
AnyFolder CoMNodes = {
AnyRefNode L1CoMNode = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.L1Seg.sCoM;
AnyRefNode L2CoM = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.L2Seg.sCoM;
AnyRefNode L3CoM = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.L3Seg.sCoM;
AnyRefNode L4CoM = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.L4Seg.sCoM;
AnyRefNode L5CoM = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg.sCoM;
AnyRefNode SacrumCoM = {
sRel = …SegmentsLumbar.SacrumSeg.sCoM;
}; //CoM Nodes
Thank you very much,
Patrick Hughes
University of Michigan