i have got a question about so called artificial muscles, especially about
I deactivated the intraabdominal pressure by limiting
Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.Buckle.AbdominalPressureMuscle1 to zero,
but the Artificial muscle still has about 30N. Are these 30N really a mechanical force which would have to be considered in a free body diagram? From where to where is it acting?
I think the buckle and the intra-abdominal pressure are two different things. The buckle is an artificial segment on the frontal side of the abdomen that provides insertion points for different abdominal muscles. It is not directly related to the intra-abdominal pressure.
The muscle which you are looking at is:
Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.Buckle.BuckleSuppo rt.Disc1.XPush.ArtificialSupportMuscle
And its related linear kinematic measures is related to these reference nodes:
So I think you can try to figure out where these nodes are related to.