Attaching a walking human model to exoskeleton

I have an exoskeleton model that, I exported from Solidworks into Anybody using the Solidworks2Anybody.

I need help on how to attach a walking human to the exoskeleton, or how to define the connection nodes between human the exoskeletons
and also on how to measure the inertia forces on the exoskeleton links due to the human motion.

Thank you

you should use a code similar to this here:

AnyKinEq Exo_Thigh_Connection =
AnyKinLinear lin =
AnyRefFrame &base = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Seg.Thigh.AttachmentNode;
AnyRefFrame &target = Main.Model.EnvironmentModel.EXO.ThighAttNode;
Ref = 0;

AnyKinRotational rot = 
  AnyRefFrame &base = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Seg.Thigh.AttachmentNode;
  AnyRefFrame &target = Main.Model.EnvironmentModel.EXO.ThighAttNode;
  Type = PlanarAngles;

Reaction.Type = {Off, Off, Off, Off, Off, Off};


In order to use this, you need to make nodes on exoskeleton and thigh, I called them AttachmentNode on the Thigh and ThighAttNode on the exoskeleton.
The AnyKinEq will align both nodes, first all 3 translations (AnyKinLin), then all 3 rotations (AnyKinRot). This will be done only kinematically, forces will not be transfered (reaction.type = off).