Basics of moving the model

I'm just learning the program and I have a problem. I analyzed the tutorials but still do not understand the principle of the program. I have a problem moving the model and limiting the degrees of freedom.

Could I ask you to write a script that allows you to move the model as in the picture? Rotation of the leg in the hip by 40 degrees.

I can do it statically, but I would like to perform dynamic analysis of a moving model.It will definitely help me understand the program.

Thank you for your help

Hi Sebastian,

The Mannequin.any contains postural angles: starting joint angles in Posture folder, and angular velocities in PostureVel folder (below Posture). You can, for example, do this:

Posture = {
  Right = {
    HipFlexion = 0;

PostureVel = {
  Right = {
    HipFlexion = 40; // divide by tEnd in your study to ensure 40 as final angle


Thank you, it helped me a lot :slight_smile:

Is it possible to create a movement sequence? For example, returning the right leg to the starting position or delaying the movement so that it starts after a few seconds?

Hi Sebastian,

If the motion can be expressed analytically or you can provide an interpolation values for the desired motion - it can be done.

We have a range of option for kinematic constraints - check ref. manual for description and usage example:


For cyclic motion - look into AnyKinEqFourierDriver.
For motion using interpolation - look into AnyKinEqInterPolDriver.

Kind regards,

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