How do you change the body mass index in the models?
just change the body mass in the AnyMan or TrialSpecific file depending what model you use.
Thanks, I am using the Lifting Model and I have trying to access the Anyman file in the code, I found a link in the tutorial, however the link does not work, is there any other way I can access this file?
did you have a look at the scaling tutorial?
the best is to start with the model “StandingModelScalingDisplay”
The StandingLift model uses a standard unscaled body model. In order to scale it you:
- need to include a scaling law, for example:
- need to include a AnyMan file
#path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyMan.any”
- need to copy this file into your model folder. (you could use one from the StandingModelScalingDisplay model)
Now you can change the values in the AnyMan file.
We were the tutorial and had to download the link because our version looked different, however the file downloaded from the link erases the main folder and does not accept it. Can you please tell us how to change it in this file, attached is the code.
// Scaling laws using external measures
// Anthropometric data file (unchanged files can be found in AAUHuman\Scaling\AnyFamily)
// #path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyFamily\AnyMan.any”
// #path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyFamily\AnyManUniform.any”
// #path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyFamily\AnyManExternal.any”
// #path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyFamily\AnyManExtPercentile.any”
// #path BM_SCALING_ANTHRO_FILE “Model\AnyFamily\AnyWomanExtPercentile.any”
//--------------- END OF SCALING CONFIGURATION -------------------
//#include “Model\CustomScaling.any”
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>/HumanModel.any”
// This folder collects the elements of the model. It is referred by the
// study section below as the target of the analyses.
AnyFolder Model = {
/// Body model without default drivers
AnyFolder &HumanModel=.HumanModel.BodyModel;
/// Reference to the mannequin folder (used by drivers)
AnyFolder &Mannequin =.HumanModel.Mannequin;
// Environment files are used to include objects surrounding human, e.g. global reference frame
#include "Model\Environment.any"
AnyFolder ModelEnvironmentConnection = {
// All added constraints reaction forces to simulate standing human
#include "Model\JointsAndDrivers.any"
// Visualization of the external measures
//#include "Model\DrawExternalMeasures.any"
AnyBodyStudy Study = {
AnyFolder &Model = .Model;
tEnd = 1.0;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};
nStep = 1;
// these settings are needed for adding drivers without removing the default set
InitialConditions.SolverType = KinSolOverDeterminate;
Kinematics.SolverType = KinSolOverDeterminate;
}; // End of study
// Include an operation sequence to run all required steps of your application (see Operations tab)
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_TOOLBOX>\Operations\RunAppSequence.any”
}; //Main
Attached please find a sample model which can be useful for the understanding of different scaling strategies.
I hope this may be helpful for you.
Best regards,