chart view question~

I have one question

I am studying c3d file importing part.
I 'm interesed in force and activity of the muscle part
but look at the chat view, the x-axis and units are ambiguous.
I wonder X,Y axis mean

if I wonder muscle force, will I select fm or ft??
what difference fm and ft ??

Answers I will wait.
thank you for reading


  1. Regarding X and Y axis of your first graph, the X axis means ‘time’. And its unit is second.
    Then Y axis means the muscle activity which is a non-dimensional value.

  2. About Fm and Ft, you can see the tutorial chapter ‘Muscle Modeling’->‘Lesson 5: Muscle models’

Fm means the force in the contractile element, and Ft means the tendon force.

Generally, Ft = Fm + Fp(passive force). But because of the pennation angle, this equation is not true.

If you are using our simple muscle model then Fm is equal to Ft.
When you may use hill type muscle model then you can see some differences.

I hope this may help you.

Best regards,

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