If you change the BodyMass in the TrialSpecific file it will change the masses of the segments in the model.
It should be possible to have the forceplates to move, but i am not familiar with the systems you mention.
Basically you need to do this:
[li]create a forceplate segment, zero mass etc.[/li][li]drive it 3d to follow the path you like[/li][li]Make sure it has no reactions to environment[/li][li]Apply the measured six force components to the forceplate segment[/li][li]Create AnyReacForces between foot and plate[/li][/ol]
Best regards
I try to experiment bike And there,
I would like to know muscle and moment(Leg) through the inverse dynamic.
I always use the GateLowerExtremity model (using C3d files)
force data tracking the pedal is it possible???
I use the GateLowerExtremity model using c3dfile that Implementation possible?
Ever associated with this model exist?
So the basic idea is , you should not use the default ‘EnvironmentAutoDetection.any’ file in the GaitLowerExtremity model.
Instead you should put your own code to predict the pedal reaction forces.