Convert anysurf3 to stl file

Dear sir

I'm studying the example "THA-KneeBendDemo", and I found the files of the acetabular cup and femoral component in the input directory.

I want to change the shape of these files, but the file format is anysurf3.
Is there any method that I can convert from .anysurf3 to stl file?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

BTW, I'm using AMS (7.3.4).

Hi @Brian

You can export the surfaces to .stl from the model tree.
Find the AnyDrawSurf of each object and right click it.
You can then select "Export Surface" and save a .stl of the object.

Best regards,

Dear Bjørn

I can find these parts from Implants.any
Could you show me how to find these parts from model tree?

I already search this topic from anyscript community before, and the replies are use "autodrawsurf", but I can't find any operation or pictures for reference.

This is a examples in AMMR, could you show me how to solve this problem?

maybe take some screeshots, it will be very useful for me.

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Best regards,

Hi @Brian

You can generally right click classnames in the code editor and use "Locate in Model Tree" / F12 to find objects in the tree. For the model view you can double click objects and the model tree will expand to that object.

I've made a small gif of how to locate the export to stl operation from the model view.
What I do is i double click the implant object and right click the object from the model tree to find the export function.


Best regards,

Dear Bjørn

It works!
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

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