You can export the surfaces to .stl from the model tree.
Find the AnyDrawSurf of each object and right click it.
You can then select "Export Surface" and save a .stl of the object.
I can find these parts from Implants.any
Could you show me how to find these parts from model tree?
I already search this topic from anyscript community before, and the replies are use "autodrawsurf", but I can't find any operation or pictures for reference.
This is a examples in AMMR, could you show me how to solve this problem?
You can generally right click classnames in the code editor and use "Locate in Model Tree" / F12 to find objects in the tree. For the model view you can double click objects and the model tree will expand to that object.
I've made a small gif of how to locate the export to stl operation from the model view.
What I do is i double click the implant object and right click the object from the model tree to find the export function.