Helo Everyone,
Because I want to measure the joint reaction forces in the not moving reference frame of the scapula, i want to align it in every three axes with the humerus reference frame used for the Bergmann measurement.
To achieve that I created a RefNode:
BodyModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Seg.Scapula.gh = {
AnyRefNode ScapulaNode ={
AnyDrawRefFrame drwref = {
RGB = {1,0,0};
ScaleXYZ = {0.5,0.5,0.5}/5;
Which works, but the Coordinate system that appears isn’t aligned with the Bergmann system which is my goal.
To rotate the coordinate system I use:
AnyFloat rx = RotMat(-2pi/180,x);
AnyFloat ry = RotMat(72.5pi/180,y);
AnyFloat rz = RotMat(45*pi/180,z);
ARel = rx*ry*rz;
wich works for two coordinates, but it is not possible to rotate around X-axis- It rotates the same way as it does on the Z-Axis.
I tried to change it in Jnt.any:
///Definition of GH joint
AnyKinRotational GHRot = {
AnyRefNode &scapula_gh = …Seg.Scapula.gh;
AnyRefNode &humerus_gh = …Seg.Humerus.gh;
Type = RotAxesAngles;
Axis1 = y;
Axis2 = z;
Axis3 = y;
But there was no effect.
How is it possible to rotate this coordinate systems in all dimensions?
Thanks or your help