Different results between AnyBody & OpenSim

Dear All,

I am very new to AnyBody software, forgive me if I am asking basic questions.

I am getting different Joint Moment values while performing walking analysis with same BVH file (collected through XSense) in AnyBody and OpenSim.

I don't know which one is right. I am getting hip flexion moment of the order of 170 Nm and 35 Nm respectively in OpenSim and AnyBody. I believe both works with SI units only.

Kindly let me know if I am missing anything.

Thanks in advance.

Ravi Tiwari

Hi Ravi,

Welcome to the AnyScript forum!

I can confirm AnyBody works with SI units. The results that you see depend on the motion and the external forces. How are you accounting for ground reaction force?

You can look in the literature for some ideas about typical values for the activity you are simulating.

Best regards,