As part of my Master Assignment within the TLEMsave project of Prof. Verdonschot and Prof. Koopman at the university of Twente, I am trying to validate the Equations of Motion for an Anybody model. I am interested in the femur of GaitLowerExtremity model in the ISB coordinate system. Since this produces large output files, I am using Matlab to process the data.
I have written a code which extracts all insertion positions, forces, moments and gravity vectors per timestep from the AnyMechOutputFileForceExport file in a local reference frame (ISB coordinates)
The input of the Newton Euler equations (on top of every timestep in the AnyMechOutputFile) are the Jmatrix, rCoM, Axes and the accelerations. Theoretically, the resulting Forces and Moments should match the summed Forces and Moments of the AnyMechOutputFile.
Forces are: sum of all forces in x, y or z direction, plus the Gravityfactor in this direction times the mass of the segment.
Moments are: sum of all moments in x, y, or z direction, plus the outer product of the forces times their positions, plus the outer product of the gravity factors times their distance to the centre of mass from the point of rotation.
!!! I attached a file with the formulas I used for clarity !!!
My questions is as follows:
I tried to validate the formulas I use with a small model first. I used a single segment model similar to the one which is used in the tutorials. For this model, the forces and the moments were exactly the same as calculated by the Newton Euler equations! For the complete femur model, only the forces are exactly the same. I think this has to do with the fact that the rotation point of the hip (were the local reference frame is {0,0,0}) has relative motion and rotation with respect to the global reference frame. I think I need to use the Axes to rotate the Jmatrix, but everything I tried so far did not work. (I also extensively searched through the forum and the reference manual) Does somebody know what needs to be multiplied with which rotation matrix to achieve the right moments? (forces are already correct). Are the accelerations with respect to the global reference frame or with respect to the pelvis?
Thanks in advance,
Bas van der Ploeg
Twente University