I use the plug-in to export the model from SolidWorks to AnyScript, but in SolidWorks, the model movement is normal, but in AnyBody, the following error occurs, I don't know what the reason is, can anyone help to answer? Thank you!
Closing model...
Saving modified values...
Deleting loaded model...
...Model deleted.
Loading Main : "C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Test8\3___SPS_RUR_simple.main.any"
Constructing model tree...
Linking identifiers...
Evaluating constants...
Configuring model...
Model Warning: Study 'Main.Study' contains more reaction forces than rigid-body degrees of freedom of the segments. The model may be statically indeterminate. There are 76 reactions and only 72 rigid body degrees of freedom.
Evaluating model...
Loaded successfully.
Elapsed Time : 0.087000
Kinematics (Operation: Main.Study.Kinematics):
0.0) PreOperation (Operation: Main.Study.Kinematics.PreOperation):
0.0.0) InitialConditions (Operation: Main.Study.InitialConditions):
0.0.0) ...Design variables have been updated.
0.0.1) ...Load-time positions have been re-established.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Failed to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints after 5 fallback attemps.
Constraint violations for study 'Main.Study' :
Constraint #73 is above tolerance 1e-06, error = 0.000165, constr. #0 in 'Main.3___SPS_RUR_simple.Drivers.SPS1'.
Constraint #74 is above tolerance 1e-06, error = 0.000063, constr. #0 in 'Main.3___SPS_RUR_simple.Drivers.SPS2'.
Constraint #75 is above tolerance 1e-06, error = 0.000063, constr. #0 in 'Main.3___SPS_RUR_simple.Drivers.SPS3'.
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : 3___SPS_RUR_simple.main.any(12) : Study.InitialConditions : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0 : Position analysis is not completed
I will need some more information about your model. Are you trying to load your SolidWorks model in another model? Normally, the plug-in exports the model with 6 constraints (kinematics and reactions) that ground the exported model. This way you can load the main file that is exported.
If you try to include the model in another model, then you would normally need to remove those constraints. Can you try to comment out the first constraint in the Mates folder. It probably starts with Fix_ ...?
Thanks for your reply! I have some more questions about the solidworks export:
I am using a general assembly with subassemblies in solidworks, and then exporting AnyScript of the general assembly, do you recommend the practice of using subassemblies?
The code for the mechanism I exported with solidworks uses Drivers for its constraints, this seems to constrain only the initial position, do these constraints disappear during subsequent movements?
Do I need to convert the exported Drivers to Joints?
How do I determine when to use soft constraints and when to use hard constraints?
I think it should not make any difference if you make an assembly of many assemblies. It should be exported correctly.
This is normal that the constraints are formulated as drivers. These constraints do not disappear during subsequent movements. They will be implemented for the duration of the study.
This is not necessary. Functionally, it will be the same. However, it may help your understanding of the model if you convert the Drivers to Joints. Especially, if your SolidWorks model has redundant constraints, then you can clean up manually. But there is also a possibility that you miss something while converting manually and then you are left with an over or under constrained model. So I will avoid doing that.
This depends on how your SolidWorks model is defined. If you have redundant constraints in your SolidWorks model, then it is a good idea to have soft drivers in AnyBody. If you use Soft constraints in the AnyBody model, please also use the overdeterminate solver. In general, you can reduce the Solidworks model to be in a state where it doesn't have redundant constraints.
Please see our tutorial for working with SolidWorks model. It should help you understand a few concepts. There is also a section where it goes over how to define your SolidWorks mates to avoid redundant constraints.