Error using GRF prediction


I am using the GRF prediction script that is provided in the Github. I have change the C3d file used, markers and the parameter related to my subject. However when loading the model, i got this kind of error (‘BM_LEG_RIGHT’ : Unexpected character. Model loading skipped.). Supposedly there is nothing wrong with the script as i didn’t change anything on the BodyModel.any. I am running out of time and i need to produce some result as soon as possible. How do i solve this?



Please see this post

It displays the same problem, please try to use the GRF prediction model which comes with AMMR, the GRF prediction model is now included.

I think the model on GitHub requires a specific AMMR version to work so there might a mismatch been the GRF model you have fetched on GitHub.

If you use the model that comes with AMMR this problem should be solved and i think you would only need to copy over the data, Markerprotocol, trialspecific.any and subjectspecific file.

Hope it helps.

Best regards