Error with the AnyBody Model

I am a new user of AnyBody. I built a simple model but It has an
Can anybody Correct the following Model?

Main = {

AnyFolder MyModel = {

  AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef = {
   AnyRefNode HandleBase={
   AnyRefNode LegBase={

 AnySeg LeftLeg = {
   r0 ={0.046000, -0.283000, 0.000000};
   AnyDrawSeg drw = {};

   AnyRefNode JntNode={sRel={0,0.07,0};};

   AnyRefNode JntNodeSeg={sRel={0,-0.07,0};};


 AnySeg LeftSeg = {
   Axes0 = {{-1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000}, {0.000000, -

1.000000, 0.000000}, {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000}};
r0 ={0.100000, -0.399000, 0.000000};
AnyDrawSeg drw = {};

   AnyRefNode JntNodeH={sRel={0.054,-0.00,0};};
   AnyRefNode JntNodeL={sRel={-0.054,-0.00,0};};


 AnySeg Handle ={
   r0 ={0.000000, -0.399000, 0.000000};

   AnyRefNode JntNodeSeg={

   AnyDrawSeg drw = {};


AnyKinEqSimpleDriver HandleDriver={
AnyKinLinear lin={
AnyFixedRefFrame &ref2=…GlobalRef;
AnySeg &ref1=…Handle;

 AnyKinRotational rot={
   AnyFixedRefFrame &ref2=..GlobalRef;
   AnySeg &ref1=..Handle;


 AnyRevoluteJoint LeftLegJnt={
   AnyRefFrame &ref1=.GlobalRef.LegBase;
   AnyRefFrame &ref2=.LeftLeg.JntNode;
  // Axis = z;

 AnyRevoluteJoint LeftLegSegJnt={
   AnyRefFrame &ref1=.LeftSeg.JntNodeL;
   AnyRefFrame &ref2=.LeftLeg.JntNodeSeg;
   //Axis = z;

 AnyRevoluteJoint HandleSegJnt={
   AnyRefFrame &ref1=.LeftSeg.JntNodeH;
   AnyRefFrame &ref2=.Handle;
   //Axis = z;

// AnyPrismaticJoint HandleJnt={
// AnyRefFrame &ref1=.GlobalRef.HandleBase;
// AnyRefFrame &ref2=.Handle;
// Axis=y;
// };
// AnyKinEqFourierDriver HandleJntDrv={
// AnyPrismaticJoint &ref=.HandleJnt;
// Type = Cos;
// AnyVar a0 = 0.0015;
// AnyVar a1 = 0.008;
// AnyVar b0 = 0;
// AnyVar b1 = 0;
// Freq = 1*0.1;
// A = { {a0,a1} };
// B = {{0,b1} };
// };

}; // MyModel

AnyBodyStudy MyStudy = {
 AnyFolder &Model = .MyModel;
 RecruitmentSolver = MinMaxNRSimplex;
 Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};


}; // Main

Hi, My name is Kapila Pahalawatta. At the moment I am using the demo
version of AnyBody. I am a student (computer Science) at the
University of Canterbury, New Zealand. I am trying to simulate the
muscle activities (upper arm) with a specific machine. I was able to
run the kinematic analysis of the model which I constructed, without
any error or warning messages. When I run the inverse dynamic analysis
it gave me the following error.

“ERROR(OBJ1) : C:\Documents and
Settings\a.lintott\Desktop\Kapila\AnyBody\GearStick Modified with
MyBiLateral Two Arms Muscle study\GS2\Gs3\GearStick\GearStick.Main.any
(65) : ‘Study’ : Unhandled exception in Inverse Dynamic Analysis
(Muscle Recruitment); solver was not called”

Can I know what kind of error is this?

Dear Kapila,

It doesn’t look right. Unfortunately we see this once in a while that some
models produce this type of error.

Normally, it is due to some problem in the model, but I must admit that the
error handling doesn’t give you much to go on.

This is one of the error messages not supposed to be seen ever - sorry.

I would be happy to investigate the issue for you. Maybe we can correct the
way this is handled for future versions.

Would it be possible for you to upload the model to the group as a zip file?
Make sure to include all *.any file in the zip-file, so I can see the
problem exactly as you see it.

Best regards,


Michael Damsgaard, AnyBody Support

Niels Jernes Vej 10, DK 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark


From: [] On Behalf
Of kpahalawatta
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 5:00
Subject: [AnyScript] Error with the AnyBody Model

Hi, My name is Kapila Pahalawatta. At the moment I am using the demo
version of AnyBody. I am a student (computer Science) at the
University of Canterbury, New Zealand. I am trying to simulate the
muscle activities (upper arm) with a specific machine. I was able to
run the kinematic analysis of the model which I constructed, without
any error or warning messages. When I run the inverse dynamic analysis
it gave me the following error.

“ERROR(OBJ1) : C:\Documents and
Settings\a.lintott\Desktop\Kapila\AnyBody\GearStick Modified with
MyBiLateral Two Arms Muscle study\GS2\Gs3\GearStick\GearStick.Main.any
(65) : ‘Study’ : Unhandled exception in Inverse Dynamic Analysis
(Muscle Recruitment); solver was not called”

Can I know what kind of error is this?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Dear Kapila,

I principle nothing is wrong; you are simply not finished with the model
yet;-) (sorry for teasing you, I shouldn’t do that to newcomers).

I’ll give you a small description below, but for more details I think you
should study the tutorials.

The Getting Started with AnyScript (current online link: will take you through these issues
you have run into, I believe.


Your model contains more many reaction forces than there are degrees of
freedom of the segments. This is why you get the warning:

Model Warning: Study ‘Main.MyStudy’ contains more reaction forces than
rigid-body degrees of freedom of the segments. The model may be statically
indeterminate. There are 21 reactions and only 18 rigid body degrees of

You have 3 segments, which means 18 rigid body degrees of freedom and you
have 21 reaction forces. This means that the model contains a system of 18
equations with 21 unknowns, which is generally not solvable.

Moreover, you are probably looking to investigate muscle forces. As a long
as you have 18 or more reactions, then the reactions will carry all the
loads applied to the model. There is nothing for the muscles to do.

You must get rid of some of the reactions. Typically, you have some
kinematic drivers (or kinematic constraints) which just specify the motion
(meaning there is physical devise like pedal or a handle fixation).

For these pure motion drivers you must turn off the reactions forces. See
for instance your Handle Driver:

Main.MyModel.HandleDriver.Reaction.Type = {On, On, On, On, On, On};

Here you can change the type of the reaction of each component of the driver
to Off, if this component is not modeling a physical component but just

A small thing:

I notice that you have sent two messages with the same subject, but not

We appreciate very much that you, and anyone else of course, give new topics
they start on the group a new descriptive subject. This improves the
archives of the group for later use by others.

Good luck with your model,


Michael Damsgaard, AnyBody Support

Niels Jernes Vej 10, DK 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark


From: [] On Behalf
Of kpahalawatta
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 1:48
Subject: [AnyScript] Error with the AnyBody Model

I am a new user of AnyBody. I built a simple model but It has an
Can anybody Correct the following Model?

Main = {

AnyFolder MyModel = {

AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef = {
AnyRefNode HandleBase={
AnyRefNode LegBase={

AnySeg LeftLeg = {
r0 ={0.046000, -0.283000, 0.000000};
AnyDrawSeg drw = {};

AnyRefNode JntNode={sRel={0,0.07,0};};

AnyRefNode JntNodeSeg={sRel={0,-0.07,0};};


AnySeg LeftSeg = {
Axes0 = {{-1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000}, {0.000000, -
1.000000, 0.000000}, {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000}};
r0 ={0.100000, -0.399000, 0.000000};
AnyDrawSeg drw = {};

AnyRefNode JntNodeH={sRel={0.054,-0.00,0};};
AnyRefNode JntNodeL={sRel={-0.054,-0.00,0};};


AnySeg Handle ={
r0 ={0.000000, -0.399000, 0.000000};

AnyRefNode JntNodeSeg={

AnyDrawSeg drw = {};


AnyKinEqSimpleDriver HandleDriver={
AnyKinLinear lin={
AnyFixedRefFrame &ref2=…GlobalRef;
AnySeg &ref1=…Handle;

AnyKinRotational rot={
AnyFixedRefFrame &ref2=…GlobalRef;
AnySeg &ref1=…Handle;

AnyRevoluteJoint LeftLegJnt={
AnyRefFrame &ref1=.GlobalRef.LegBase;
AnyRefFrame &ref2=.LeftLeg.JntNode;
// Axis = z;

AnyRevoluteJoint LeftLegSegJnt={
AnyRefFrame &ref1=.LeftSeg.JntNodeL;
AnyRefFrame &ref2=.LeftLeg.JntNodeSeg;
//Axis = z;

AnyRevoluteJoint HandleSegJnt={
AnyRefFrame &ref1=.LeftSeg.JntNodeH;
AnyRefFrame &ref2=.Handle;
//Axis = z;
// AnyPrismaticJoint HandleJnt={
// AnyRefFrame &ref1=.GlobalRef.HandleBase;
// AnyRefFrame &ref2=.Handle;
// Axis=y;
// };
// AnyKinEqFourierDriver HandleJntDrv={
// AnyPrismaticJoint &ref=.HandleJnt;
// Type = Cos;
// AnyVar a0 = 0.0015;
// AnyVar a1 = 0.008;
// AnyVar b0 = 0;
// AnyVar b1 = 0;
// Freq = 1*0.1;
// A = { {a0,a1} };
// B = {{0,b1} };
// };

}; // MyModel

AnyBodyStudy MyStudy = {
AnyFolder &Model = .MyModel;
RecruitmentSolver = MinMaxNRSimplex;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};

}; // Main

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]