Excuse me. I have some questions about Anybody

Hi, I am Andy Chen, a graduate of National Chiao Tung University in
Taiwan. My lab have this system, Anybody. I have some bottlenecks
about my research.

My research is related to find the functions of lower limb muscles
on the treadmill in detail.
I want to find the relationship between step frequency(or step
length or walking speed) and activities of lower limb muscles, such
as Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris, Gastrocnemius medialis, Soleus and
Tibialis anterior. Because it will be used about exercise.

I want to have a full body model of walking(gait) on the treadmill,
I hope the model that has some variables can be adjusted, such as
parameter of step frequency, step length or walking speed, so that I
can adjust the varaible to follow the person’s real walking state of
treadmill exercise. The muscles of full body gait model can be more
detail on the lower limb, the muscles of upper limb and trunk doesn’t
need more detail. Could you tell me where can I find the model?

Besides, I will do the combination of anybody model and motion
capture system. Then, I think that I should combine the markers of
anybody model and the markers of motion capture system, the markers
definition will follow the Helen Hayes system, and then I can put the
markers data of motion capture system into the anybody model, so I
can find the relationship between step frequency(or other variables)
and activities of lower limb muscles etc., right?
How could I do the procedure of this project or how to program the

Thank you very much.

Andy Chen

Hi Andy Chen

Welcome to the group

I am sorry but there are no models in the repository where you can adjust
frequency, step length etc. This would require that the motion had been
parameterize and linked up to these variables. What you can find in the
model repository are examples of marker driven models, these models
replicates a certain trial, because they are driven by a certain recorded
motion, this kind of model will not let you do variations on the step length
etc. unless this was actually part of the trial protocol and measured.

So I think the way for you to proceed is to record trials with different
frequency, step length etc. and then analyse these.

There is an external application available that lets you optimize the
motion, segment length marker location etc, to give the best possible fit
between the recorded markers and the model markers. This application is
named gaitapplication2 and you may find several posting on this group on
this subject, I search for “gaitapplication2” in the group and it returns 75
postings. Not all of them are relevant for you but please have a look at
postings #2645 and #2181 and some of the others.

On www.AnyBodyTeh.com you will also find pre recorded webcast’s, one of them
explains about the theory behind please see the webcast with this title:

Kinematic Analysis of Over-determinate Systems (Michael Skipper Andersen,
22. February, 2007)

In the repository there are two models making use of this application, this
is the GaitUniMiami model and the Runner model. These models include a 15
step procedure that allows you to setup an initial model in AnyBody and then
export and input file to the gaitapplication2 and lets you get the optimized
motion back again. Following the steps will take you some time the first
time you try it, but once you have done one model, additional trials based
on the same experimental setup will be much easier.

I looked up the Helen Hayes marker configuration and saw that it includes
only two markers on the feet, experience shows that it will make the model
work much easier if you can include more markers on the foot. This is
because the two markers you have lies almost on a line with the ankle marker
and this can cause the foot to flip sideways inversion/eversion.

Hope this helps you move on

Best regards

Søren, AnyBody Support

From: anyscript@yahoogroups.com [mailto:anyscript@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of ³¯§Êª@
Sent: 28 November 2008 02:25
To: anyscript@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [AnyScript] Excuse me. I have some questions about Anybody

Hi, I am Andy Chen, a graduate of National Chiao Tung University in
Taiwan. My lab have this system, Anybody. I have some bottlenecks
about my research.

My research is related to find the functions of lower limb muscles
on the treadmill in detail.
I want to find the relationship between step frequency(or step
length or walking speed) and activities of lower limb muscles, such
as Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris, Gastrocnemius medialis, Soleus and
Tibialis anterior. Because it will be used about exercise.

I want to have a full body model of walking(gait) on the treadmill,
I hope the model that has some variables can be adjusted, such as
parameter of step frequency, step length or walking speed, so that I
can adjust the varaible to follow the person’s real walking state of
treadmill exercise. The muscles of full body gait model can be more
detail on the lower limb, the muscles of upper limb and trunk doesn’t
need more detail. Could you tell me where can I find the model?

Besides, I will do the combination of anybody model and motion
capture system. Then, I think that I should combine the markers of
anybody model and the markers of motion capture system, the markers
definition will follow the Helen Hayes system, and then I can put the
markers data of motion capture system into the anybody model, so I
can find the relationship between step frequency(or other variables)
and activities of lower limb muscles etc., right?
How could I do the procedure of this project or how to program the

Thank you very much.

Andy Chen

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