External force application

Hello AnyBody team,

I am trying to apply 3D external forces to each hand in AnyMoCap framework. However, the force rotate (in x axes) during the task compare to the global reference frame (force data has been collected using a sensor that can move and its kinematic have been recorded using markers on the sensor).
So I defined a refence frame for the sensor to have rotation of that compared to the ground. Now I need to transform my force from current reference frame (sensor) to the ground. I am wondering if it is possible in Anybody. Is there any example or sample code for that?


Hi Mina,

Normally, you can apply the force in the local reference frame using Flocal argument in AnyForce3D. So you can apply the force measured in the sensor reference frame directly in local reference system. There is no need to manually convert the force from local to global system. Then, if you want to know the values in the Global system, you look at RefFrameOutput.F in the AnyForce3D class.

Of course, if you want, you can manually convert the force from local to global system using the Axes variable of the sensor reference frame:
Fglobal = Flocal*SensorRefFrame.Axes';

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

Of course it helped, as always! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you, Dave.

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