FEA analysis error

Hello all Respected members

I tried to do FEA analysis of L5 of Situp Model I followed every step as it was told in tutorial and video FEA demonstration to us by Mr Soren,Finally I got APDL template and I started Fea analysis but to suprise i got clavicular bone analysis. So I please request you guys to solve my problem
1)How to get proper L5 analysis done in FEA using clavicular bone APDL template.
2)How to get bone formation of L5 in FEA analysis because in demonstration video of FEA Analysis we did not get ANSYS simulation demonstration part.
3)I am not having Fix_workplane file and test.zip file

attaching files

What a surprise. You should change in the AnyMechOutputFileForceExport the paths from the clavicle to L5.

hi Amir sir
I am attaching the files of SitUp simulation and am getting Output Apdl template force files but don’t know whether I am getting L5 bone or clavicular bone as output files and also very important thing is that while importing that template file in ansys I am not getting bone geometry or bone mesh only I am getting is nodes and i am providing you with ansys node picture . Another thing I would like to bring to your notice that we didn’t recieve any of the fix_workplane.inp ,L5.adpl.inp , outputfilelist.inp , runme.inp ,test.avi ,test.zip files or any of ForceL5_0.inp , sol_post_proc.inp files and I am providing you the screenshots of the FEA Training video as FE interface training was conducted by Soren tolhelm sir ,pavel galibarov sir on 13th Nov 2014. Through we got video training But it was limited till conversion of XML to APDL template . It didn’t had the ANSYS part in it. please I request all of you guys to help me in my project .I would be glad if get prompt reply from you guys.

Warm Regards

you will not get a mesh automatically out of the simulation. You will have to mesh the stl of the L5 and apply the APDL on it.

the stl file has no geometry in it is stating i got the stl file but i cannot mesh it because of no geometry kindly please help me

Dear Ali,

I am not sure what you mean by no geometry in an STL file. Sounds strange to me. It represents only the surface of the solid - you need to construct the volumetric mesh yourself.


Hi pavel sir ,thanks for your suggestion on mesh.I got the mesh but I am stuck in the situation that L5 bone mesh is going away from coordinate system which is creating problem and the forces are applied away from the bone.to your information i followed the tutorial and added the local frame of reference for L5 in the environment section. Please can you suggest me where i am going wrong or whether i should use local frame of reference or stay with global reference only.
I am attaching the screenshots of Ansys simulation of L5 mesh and also with forces applied on it

Hi Ali,

You need to output your forces in a certain ref. frame, which you will then reconstruct in your FE model.

We typically use a 3 point definition of a ref. frame (to get the same orientation) - so please use consistent points in AnyBody and FEA model to construct those ref. frames.

A hint would be to use RotMat function in AnyBody to construct ARel of AnyRefNode and please look into WPLANE keyword of APDL.

Kind regards,

#include “…/libdef.any”

// Find a detailed description here
#include “Model/Description.any”

Main =

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Path to draw settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------
#path BM_DRAWSETTINGS_FILE “Model/DrawSettings.any”

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Model configuration:
// For more info on body model configuration options please load the model and double click on:
// #include “<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>\Documentation\BodyModel.parameters.any”
// ----------------------------------------------------------

// The Mannequin file specifies load-time positions for all the segments
// in the HumanModel. This is important for the model’s ablity to resolve
// all the kinematic constraints when the model is analyzed.
// The mannequin file also drives those degrees of freedom of the human
// model that are not governed by problem-specific drivers at run time.
#path BM_MANNEQUIN_FILE “Model/Mannequin.any”

// Model of the human body to be used for the analysis
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>/HumanModel.any”

/// The actual model where all components are assembled
AnyFolder Model =
/// Body model without default drivers
AnyFolder &HumanModel=.HumanModel.BodyModel;
/// Reference to the mannequin folder (used by drivers)
AnyFolder &Mannequin =.HumanModel.Mannequin;

#include "Model/Environment.any"   

AnyFolder ModelEnvironmentConnection = {
  #include "Model/JointsAndDrivers.any"

//--&gt;Folder for design parameters

AnyFolder Parameters = 
  AnyVar Distance_From_PelvisContactNode_To_HeelNode = 0.6;

//--&gt;Use of the object name to insert additional objects inside
HumanModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.PelvisSeg = 
  AnyRefNode ContactNode = 
    sRel = .Scale({-0.02, -0.18, 0});
    AnyDrawRefFrame Drw = 
      ScaleXYZ = 0.1*{1, 1, 1};
      RGB = {1, 0, 0};


AnyBodyStudy Study = {
AnyFolder &Model = .Model;

tEnd = 2.0;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};
nStep = 11;

AnyMechOutputFileForceExport FE_out = 
  FileName = "Output/ForceL5.xml";
  UseRefFrameOnOff = On;
  AnyRefFrame &ref1  = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg;      
  XMLformatOnOff = On;
  //AllSegmentsInStudyOnOff = Off;
  AnySeg &L5 = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg;
//include the next line to have a camera in the model

}; // End of study
AnyOperationShellExec ConvertToAPDL=
FileName =".\Output\AnyFE2APDL.0.3\AnyFE2APDL\AnyFE2APDL.exe";
Arguments ="-i .\Output\ForceL5.xml -o .\Output\files_out\ForceL5.txt -t .\Output\APDLTemplate.txt";

// // Include an operation sequence to run all required steps of your application (see Operations tab)
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_TOOLBOX>\Operations\RunAppSequence.any”

}; //Main

Pavel sir please suggest me how to add the RotMat function and to construct ARefNode I am attaching my anyscrpt sit-up code.

Ali Asadullah Syed

AnyFolder EnvironmentModel = {

/* **********************************************************
This folder contains the definition of the Environment

  • GlobalRefFrame

********************************************************** */

AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef = {
Origin ={0.0,0.0,0.0};
#include “drawcoorsystem.any”
AnyDrawRefFrame drw={};

AnySeg &L5= Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg;
L5 ={AnyRefNode localrefframe={
sRel = {0,0,0};
//ARel = RotMat(0.5*pi,x);
AnyDrawRefFrame drws = {ScaleXYZ = {1,1,1}*0.3;RGB={0,0,1};};

Sorry sir i am pasting this code on this page as i am unable to compress zip folder of mine so i am pasting it here .

AnyFolder EnvironmentModel = {

/* **********************************************************
This folder contains the definition of the Environment

  • GlobalRefFrame

********************************************************** */

AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef = {
Origin ={0.0,0.0,0.0};
#include “drawcoorsystem.any”
AnyDrawRefFrame drw={};

AnySeg &L5= Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg;
L5 ={AnyRefNode localrefframe={
sRel = {0,0,0};
//ARel = RotMat(0.5*pi,x);
AnyDrawRefFrame drws = {ScaleXYZ = {1,1,1}*0.3;RGB={0,0,1};};

Sorry I am pasting it out here the code because i was unable to compreess the folder to its minimum limit hoping that things work out for me I am unable to go beyond my project please rectify my error about coordinate sytem

Hi Ali,

Here is an example, but you will have to do your actual case yourself. I can only answer unclear questions:

Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5Seg = {
  AnyRefNode FEAOutputRefFrame = { // will create in the origin of the L5Seg
    AnyVec3 point1 = {0,0,0}; // replace by points consistent with FE, e.g. landmarks
    AnyVec3 point2 = {1,0,0}; // replace by points consistent with FE, e.g. landmarks 
    AnyVec3 point3 = {0,1,0}; // replace by points consistent with FE, e.g. landmarks
    sRel = point1;
    ARel = RotMat(point1, point2-point1, point3-point1); // (origin, x axis, y axis)

P.S. I have not tested this code, so please check that it works