Fixing lower extrimities in standing model

i want to fix lower extrimities. to do this i define two points on each thigh and a point in global refrence, then define a kinemtic measure between each point on thigh and point in global refrence and use a driver with zero velocity for fixing the lenght of measure and clear drivers for hip flexion. but an error has occured: model is not kinematically solvable. there is iterative … please help me in this problem.
i’m sorry that my english is bad…


Since you are adding kinematic constrains to the problem you need to remove as many constrains as you add. Furthermore the constrains added and removed needs to control the same dof in the model , but I guess this is already the case.

I would recommend the following procedure:

1 recreate the original model so that you have running kinematics:
2 add the measures between the thigh and global ref, do not add a driver on them yet!
3 reload and solve the first step of the kinematic analysis.
4 locate the measure in the modeltree read out the position, make sure the position is measured in the way you intended!
5 add a driver for the one of the measures and drive to the position found in step 4
6 remove one driver “corresponding” to the one added
7 try to run the model … hopefully it worked…
8 continue this process adding one driver at the time…

Best regards