Foot Rest


for seated human model from the reository I have located the foot rest at a certain point and i want it to be fixed at that point and i dont want it to be connected to the leg rest (actually i dont need the leg rest) i removed it …but the problem is still with the joints and drivers.

can i just define the foot rest at a fixed point and only connected to feet … no joints or drivers and keep it kinematically stable???:confused:

Best Regards,

Hi Zayd

The footrest is attached to the leg rest rest by a joint and drivers which in total adds six constraints to the footrest segment.

If you can remove this joint and driver you will need to replace the six constraints with something else which can control the position of the footrest.

There should be no problem in doing so you could create an AnyStdJoint between a point in Global ref and the footrest, this will ensure all six dof to be controlled.

You will need to ensure that the position and orientation of the footrest allows the human model to reach the footrest otherwise it will not be able to resolve the kinematics…

Best regards