Forceplate Kistler FullBody

I’m using Anybody (Version 1.5.1) since a few weeks.Started with the Tutorials and it worked out well. I want to use the FullBody Gait Model. I#ve got kinematic data with Vicon and my kinetic data are from two kistler force plates.
First Problem: I have trouble to run the model. Markersetup is as it is needed. I have trouble with the EnvironmentAutoDetection.any how do i have to setup my forceplates? they are type 2, that is what i found in the c3d-file but what do i have to do with this information?
In other words: What do i have to modify in the fullbodygait model to run it with 2 kistler forceplates?

Second Problem: The coordinate-system of my c3d-file is not the same as it is in anybody, how can i match them?

Thanks for Help!!

Dear Johannes,

In the ‘…/Body/AAUHuman/ToolBox/Mocap/’ folder we have three class templates for different force plate types(2, 3, 4).

I would recommend you to read this wiki page:

Regarding coordinate system, also there are some tips in the above wiki page:

I hope this may be helpful to you.

Best regards,

Thank you very much. Worked out very good!
