Hi Support-Team!
I am using:
AnyBody 5
Repository 1.3.1
App FreePostureHandSR
The definition of the elbow joint in JNTSR.any is:
//Definition of elbow flexion extension joint
AnyRevoluteJoint FE = {
Axis = x;
AnyRefNode &HumerusFE = ..Seg.Humerus.fe;
AnyRefNode &UlnaFE = ..Seg.Ulna.fe
//Next three definitions equal to spherical joint
//Definition of proximal forearm pronation supination joint
AnyKinRotational PSRotProximal = {
Axis1 = x;
Axis2 = y;
Axis3 = z;
Type = RotAxesAngles;AnyRefNode &RadiusPs = ..Seg.Radius.PointPS2; AnyRefNode &UlnaPs = ..Seg.Ulna.ps2;
};//End pronation supination joint proximal
//Definition of forearm pronation supination joint
AnyKinLinear PSLinProximal = {
Ref=0;AnyRefNode &UlnaPs = ..Seg.Ulna.ps2; AnyRefNode &RadiusPs = ..Seg.Radius.PointPS2;
};//End pronation supination joint proximal
AnyKinEq PSProximalConstraints = {
AnyKinLinear &Jnt = .PSLinProximal;
Reaction.Type = {Off,Off,Off};
};AnyReacForce PSProximalReacForce =
AnyKinMeasureOrg RadiusHumerus = {
MeasureOrganizer = {0};
AnyKinLinear Lin =
Ref = 0;
AnyRefFrame &Radius = ....Seg.Radius.PointPS2.PointPS2Rot.PS2Reac;
AnyRefFrame &Humerus = ....Seg.Humerus.fe;
};AnyKinMeasureOrg RadiusUlna = { MeasureOrganizer = {0,2}; AnyKinLinear Lin = { Ref = 0; AnyRefFrame &Ulna = ....Seg.Ulna.ps2.ps2Reac; AnyRefFrame &Radius = ....Seg.Radius.PointPS2.PointPS2Rot.PS2Reac; }; };
//This is measure which will be used by the applications
AnyKinMeasureOrg PS = {
AnyKinRotational &Jnt = .PSRotProximal;
MeasureOrganizer = {0};
//End definitions of spherical jointAnyKinEq PSLinDistalConstraint = {
//Definition of distal forearm pronation supination joint AnyKinLinear PSLinDistal = { Ref = 0; //Uses coordinate system of the first defined segment AnyRefNode &UlnaPs = ...Seg.Ulna.ps2.usRot; AnyRefNode &RadiusPs = ...Seg.Radius.PS; };//End pronation supination joint distal
MeasureOrganizer = {0,2};
The first part of the joint is no problem.
Just a revolute Joint for the flexion.
The second part is harder to understand.
There is a spherical joint for the proximal part consisting of three other joints?
A rotational joint, a linaer joint and a measure?
How does they work together?
Why is the distal part just a linear joint?
Isn't it a linear and rotational motion between ulna and radius in the distal forearm?
Is there any reference or description of the elbow joint in AnyBody?
thanks again for the help