gait analysis

I would like some directions to run the ‘GaitLowerExtremity’ using the attached c3d file.

Hi Chan

The file contains a maker set for the lower extremities

Please have a look at the following webcast which shows how to use such a model.

AnyGait: Getting quickly from mocap to individualized musculoskeletal analysis (John Rasmussen, 15. December, 2009)

Please also read the main file of the model GaitLowerExctremity.Main.any which contains a number of steps to follow.

If you have any questions to this procedure please ask again.

Best regards

Thanks, I will try it and send you a feedback.

Hi Soren,
I followed the steps in the tutorial but there is a problem with the coordinate system orientation: in the ‘GaitLowerExtremity’ of the repository, the subject walks along the x-axis. But In my C3D file the subject walks along the y-axis. what modifications should I make to have it walk on the x-axis?
I am using the version 1.2 of the software.


sorry i followed the link but can’t find anything? trying to get the gaitlower… to work.



For the link try this one:
You will find the complete list of webcast.

Chan, about the walking direction: you don’t have to modify it. If your model walks along the y axis then keep it that way. You just have to modify the gravity vector in the study to match your global orientation. That’s all.

Best regards, Sylvain.

Dear All,

Thanks for providing us with this forum. I have some questions here, regarding my model that uses c3d file.

I have made the model through a c3d file, and the model is pretty close to the c3d file (all the markers and the body segment), but I still have error below :

Position analysis failed : 268 independent constraints and 272 unknowns
- attempts to continue (attempt no. 1)
Failed to resolve kinematic constraints. Newton relaxation too small. (final kin. error = 1.717986E+012)
Constraint no. 0 above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.003828.
Constraint no. 1 above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.009920.
Constraint no. 2 above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.002119
and many more

and below, I have error like this:
Constraint no. #3 in ‘Main.Studies.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Jnt.PatellaFemur.Constraints’ above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.002413.
Constraint no. #4 in ‘Main.Studies.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Jnt.PatellaFemur.Constraints’ above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.002770.
Constraint no. #3 in ‘Main.Studies.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.HumanModel.BodyModel.Left.Leg.Jnt.PatellaFemur.Constraints’ above error tolerance 0.001000, error = 0.019906.

on this post, I attach also my model and the 3cd file. I really hope that someone from this forum can help me out.

Some of my colleagues suggested me that I should drive the trunk angle into zero. does any one know to which file I should change to drive the trunk angle into zero?

My model repository is : AMMRVI.1.3.1

Groningen, NL