I have some questions regarding the use of the 3 element hill muscle model.
I am using the HumanStanding Model as template for the simulation of a squat motion. First i defined my drivers (knee flexion, hip flexion, pelvis thorax flexion) and some other constraints. When i am using the TLEM leg model with simple muscles everything is fine but when i am using the 3E hill type muscles i get an over error tolerance error in the calibration study when running initial conditions.
When i run the calibration sequence everything i am getting no errors.
- I noticed that using the hill type muscles the number of joints, drivers and reaction forces is increased in the study object description, where does this come from?
- I have 120 dof and with simple muscles 90 and hill muscles 115 reaction forces, could this be the source of my error?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I am using AMMr 1.6.3 and AnyBody 6.0.5