I am trying to program a hinge model (representing a knee) for validation of our Oxford Knee rig.
-The model has 2 segments, a femur and a tibia. Both parts are connected by a hinge.
-The femur segment is attached to our rig with a hinge, while the ankle (bottom part of the tibia) is only positioned in the xy-plane.
-The axis of the hip-hinge and the knee-hinge is the z-axis so we can do the analyses in 2D
While running the InverseDynamics, I get the message :
‘There are fewer unknown forces (muscles and reactions) than dynamic equations.’
Hopefully this is enough information to understand the model.
Does anybody has a suggestion on this?
When I activate the reaction forces of the driver, then I have a kinetically over-constrained mechanical system. Looking at the system description, I have 12 constraints (2 segments) and 12 active reaction forces. I found it strange that this gives no solution.
The objective of the model is to receive the reaction forces in the ankle.
(Later on I will implement a quadriceps force. But to validate our Knee Rig I will only analyse the influence of gravitation.)
If you turn on all reaction forces in your model, then you can see the following message:
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.MUS1) : C:/W..E/AMMR/A..3/F..m/K..g/HingeModel-V10.any(156) : HingeStudy : The muscles in the model are not loaded due to kinetically over-constrained mechanical system.
NOTICE(OBJ1) : C:/W..E/AMMR/A..3/F..m/K..g/HingeModel-V10.any(156) : HingeStudy.InverseDynamics : No muscles in the model.
This means that because there are 12 reactions in 12 DOFs, there is no need for muscles to do any work.
Muscles in AnyBody are lazy. They will only work when it is needed.
I tried to modify your model. Instead of turning on the reactions in your driver, I tried to create a hip and a knee torque.
But I tried to implement that in two different ways.
One is using the AnyReacForce object and the other is using AnyGeneralMuscle object.
In the model which used AnyGeneralMuscle object, you will not see any warning message.
But if you compare the calculated knee and hip torques between two models then you can see that those values are same.