Good day everyone,
I have a ligament model (Template model) defined based on a patient STL (Extracted from MRI).
The attachment points (origin and insertion) were defined based on some landmarks corresponding to the ligament attachments in the STL files . For instance, one of the patella tendon bundles in the figure above has two landmarks chosen in the shank and patella STL file of the subject (with red dots).
However, for my case I want to implement a ligament model as well. However, I do not have the attachment points due to MRI resolution reason(s). When I use my model (figure below), the ligaments just float; apparently because the attachment points belong to the other STL (of the template model above).
Is it possible to use the ligament attachment points of the template model for my model? How?
Do I have to obtain attachment points (with better MRI resolution) of the ligaments for my model?
Best regards,