How to adjust Mocap driver location

Hello, I really need your help..
I tried to input my motion capture data by referring to the following code.

However, even though it is the same perception neuron data, the data used in the code seems to have a different structure from mine.

So I've been struggling to fix the driver, but it's too hard for me.

Can you take a look at my data structure? and Is there any problem? (2.3 MB)

Hi @twosejin

The perception neuron model is not maintained by AnyBody Technology so it is limited what help we can give. I would advice to ask on the repository for detailed questions.

That said, I can point you to our general wiki site for help on adjusting you mocap model.
You need to ensure that the bvh file generated by perception neuron is handled correctly when imported to the ams.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

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