How to export Stl files

Hello I am very new to Anybody. I am working with the FEA interfacing tutorial and cannot be able to export geometeries in Stl file format. Does anyone know how to do this? Are other geometries file formats allowed by anybody?

Hi Nicholas,
doubleclick on the bone you are interested in the ModelView. This should give you a like to the definiton of the segment. Follow the link and a new text window will open. Open the Model bar on the left, righclick on the name of the AnyDrawSurf object in the textfile and select “locate in model tree”. This will find the position of the Drawobject in the Model tree. Rightclick on the object in the model tree and select “Export surface”. This will export the stl file in the global ref frame.
There are currently no other formats allowed.
Best regards,


Many thanks. Your steps worked like a charm.