How to modify PlateGraphics

Dear AnyBody:

As seen in the attached picture, there is a gap between the model and the forceplates (middle red box). I am trying to move the FP in the graphics so the feet seem to be in contact with the FP.

I tried to modify sRel under PlateGraphics (left red box) and didn’t have a problem in changing the value using “set value”. However after hitting F7, the changed value was replaced by the default value and I didn’t see any difference in the FP location. Then I tried to fix it using ForcePlate.any, line 38 as indicated by the construction name, but couldn’t find where to change (right red box).

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Phoebe,

When changing a value with the edit function it will be overwritten when you reload as you have seen.

You will need to right click the main in the modeltree and save parameters to a file. Then after reload you can similar load parameters. Once the parameters are loaded you need right click main and select “update values”

Generally speaking the position of the force plates are defined by there corner nodes listed in the c3d file. So the proper way to alter the postion would be to changes the values of the corner nodes.

Best regards

Thanks Søren. I modified the corner nodes as suggested, and achieved what I was looking for. Thanks for your help!

Hi Phoebe

Sounds good thanks for the feedback

Best regards