How to rotate the angle of the sacrum in the Standing model

How to rotate the angle of the sacrum in the Standing model

Hi @meng

The sacrum and pelvis is rigidly connected in the current model. If you want to rotate the sacrum independent of the pelvis you will need to model the sacro iliac joint to allow it and then you can rotate the sacrum segment.

If you want to rotate the pelvis and sacrum you can use the Main.HumanModel.Mannequin.Posture.PelvisRot* measures.

Best regards,

First, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to reply to my letter,
I tried changing the data in Mannequin to change the rotation of the pelvis, But it's just a rotation based on the global coordinate system,What I want is the rotation of the sacrum in the mannequin, Such as rotation relative to the lumbar spine,So I would like to ask you what good way。
Best regards,

Hi @meng

You can try and add a RotMat to the Axes0 to set a new angle at load time, but you will probably need to adjust the spine rhythm that controls the lumbar spine to achieve what you want.
It requires that you alter the existing rhythm drivers and implement new ones.
You also have to consider if the rigid Sacrum-Pelvis connection will interfere with what you are trying to investigate/achieve.

Best regards,

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