How to use dash("-") in the MoCapModel

Dear sir
I tried to modify the model based on the MoCapModel in the example. Since I used the OptiTrack motion capture system, I followed the Vicon’s “Gait-in-Plug” to do the experiment. So I have tried to rename the markers’ name in the Markers.any file. The labeling of markers in my C3D file is MarkerSet-*, such as MarkerSet-LPSI. But when I run the model, there is a error about this name. Here is error information from AnyBody:
ERROR(SCR.SCN6) : E:/AnyBodyCode/Exa…es/M…l/Input/Markers.any(24) : ‘-LPSI,’ : Unexpected character.
I also attached error information, Markers.any and the C3D file. You can check the names of markers in the files of Markers.any and C3D file.


I have solved it by myself…